Jainism is an ancient Indian religious tradition that teaches non-violence, and love for all living beings. It is also called Jain Dharma; it started to sprout in the 6th century BCE in India. Mahavira is believed to be the last Tirthankara. Jainism is well-known for its non-violence principle that extends from speech, thoughts, as well as actions in daily life. Since Jainism is also concerned about animals, consumption of dairy products gained through inhumane treatment to animals is restricted in Jain diet. The non-violence aspect of Jainism includes every living being, and Jains do not even eat some vegetables if they are able to sprout. Jainism offers ten life principles, incorporating reincarnation as well as karma, but it refuses to believe that there is a creator god. The pravachan of Gyan mati mata ji help you enhance your knowledge of Jainism.
Some mind-blowing facts about Jainism
According to Jainism, all life forms carry a soul, from plants to microorganisms, to humans to animals. And for this reason, they can also attain nirvana. Jain tradition does not include worshipping of a god, and Jains work to acquire moksha, believing that other liberated souls have achieved. Many Jains avoid eating mushrooms, root vegetables and honey. And they do not consider drinking alcohol or taking any drug that can alter the mind. Jains make five vows 1) non-violence (Ahimsa), 2) truthfulness (Satya), 3) no stealing (Asteya), 4) non-attachment (Aparigraha), and 5) chaste living (Brahmacarya).
The primary aspect of Jainism is non-violence, and attaining salvation through right actions. If you want to know more about Jain tradition, you can watch the TV program called Shanka samadhan.